Most of us want relief, we don’t want the actual cure. Cures can be painful. They can be intense. They will require something of you.
For years I had severe lower back pain. I tried ice, Advil, alcohol, stretching, heating pads, prayer. Nothing worked. And then I took the hard road of strengthening my core. My pain vanished after a few weeks of intentional and painful exercise.
Taking the hard road & choosing the “strenuous life” doesn’t sound very fun I know.
If you are desperate enough, you’ll set aside your desire for “ease” and “fun” in favor of health and deep meaning.
You will stop making excuses or distracting yourself from the sad truth that “you need to strengthen your core”.
I’ll tell you something, once you commit to “doing hard things on purpose” you’d be surprised at the gold you will find.
Do hard things.
Commit to growth.
Run towards the uncomfortable.
Stay teachable (not easily offended when someone tells you your core is weak)