So many of the young men I see are bored and directionless. Many of them have been given so much that they never had to fight for anything and thus never experienced the glory of a hard fought victory. Necessity can be a cruel but enlightening teacher.
When I married at 29 I had a value for hard work but I never much valued “commitment” and “responsibility”.
I’ve been married now for over a decade, four kids, masters degree, owned 2 homes, started a private practice. These things are heavy burdens to bear but I’ll tell you… they came with deep meaning and purpose.
You want meaning in life? Want to feel purposeful? Follow the path of dutiful commitment and responsibility. Carrying a heavy load may be exhausting, but at least you’ll be useful & utilize the gifts you were given. How you start is important, how you finish is even more important. The long follow through may not appear as sexy but it’s a helluva lot more meaningful. If you seek to save your life you will lose it. Give it away.
“When I became a man I left my childish ways behind”